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Grâce à la qualité et à la variété de nos terrines, nous avons forgé depuis vingt ans notre réputation d’authentique Traiteur de la Mer.

Inspirées de la gastronomie bretonne, nos terrines sont riches en matières premières nobles et ne contiennent ni colorant artificiel, ni conservateur. La cuisson sous vide suffit amplement à assurer leur conservation et leurs saveurs.

Portfolio Item
Smoked Salmon and Lime Terrine
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Scallop and Muscadet Terrine
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Trio of Fish Terrine
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Sea-bass and Vegetable Terrine
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Duo of Fish Terrine
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Fisherman's Terrine
Portfolio Item
Ocean Terrine with Salmon
Portfolio Item
Lobster Log with Cognac
Portfolio Item
Armorican Crab Delight
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Langoustine Terrine
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Provençal-style Monkfish Terrine
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Marbled Salmon & Scallops
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Salmon Fillets & Sorrel Terrine
Portfolio Item
Trio of Vegetable Terrine
Portfolio Item
Broccoli, Cauliflower and Baby Carrot Mosaic
Smoked Salmon and Lime Terrine
Scallop and Muscadet Terrine
Trio of Vegetable Terrine (spinach, celery, carrots)
Trio of Fish Terrine

Nos nouveautés pour NOËL 2019


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Océaniques Restauration and Quality

Thanks to our Food Hygiene and Safety Plan, we guarantee our customers optimal and consistent quality. We are always keen to improve on our existing quality and environmental policy, and in 2014 embarked on IFS certification.


Océaniques Restauration and Nutrition

We are very well-informed on nutritional issues, including government recommendations established via the Collective Catering and Nutrition Market Survey Group (Groupe d’Etudes des Marchés en Restauration Collective et de Nutrition –GEMRCN) and the National Health and Nutrition Programme (Plan Nationale Nutrition Santé – PNNS).


Contact us

Z.A.E. de Kervoasdoué 
BP 134 

Phone : 02 98 93 19 19
Fax : 02 98 99 18 88
Mobile : 06 32 72 51 21

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Partner of

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bluefish produit-bretagne

Our Company

“Traiteur de la mer” in Brittany, servant since 20 years in non-domestic catering, we are pioneers in the manufacture of terrines and seafood salads.
Our watchwords. Tradition and quality.

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